
The prevention-center stands for highest quality at fair prices. At this, transparancy plays an important role for us.


Because health insurances do not bear the costs for our services in the sections beauty, aesthetics and surgeries, we offer you the opportunity to finance the costs of your treatment. Through monthly rates you can easily balance them via Cashmed.

Furthermore we would be happy to comprehensively inform you about our prices and financing possibilities during a personal consultation.


Permanent hair removal with CLARITY II Laser (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

Upper lip & chinCHF 100
NecklineCHF 200
FaceCHF 200
ArmpitsCHF 100
Upper armsCHF 200
Lower armsCHF 200
HandsCHF 100
Chestfrom CHF 200
Bellyfrom CHF 200
Back & shouldersfrom CHF 300
Bikini woman smallCHF 150
Bikini woman largeCHF 200
Intimate man partiallyCHF 200
Intimate man completelyCHF 300
Intim man completely with buttocksCHF 450
ButtocksCHF 200
Upper legsCHF 350
Lower legsCHF 250
LegsCHF 500
Combo price: Legs, bikini large, armpits and lower armsCHF 800 instead of 1'000

Tattoo removal with Picosecond Laser (Zurich, Bern, St. Gallen)

Tattoos (depending on size)from CHF 100
EyebrowsCHF 200

Pigmentary mole removal with Picosecond Laser (Zurich, Bern, St. Gallen)

Facefrom CHF 200
Both handsCHF 400
Both hands including armsCHF 600 - 700

Skin renewal with ECO2 Plus™ (Zurich)

Single ScarsCHF 200
Multiple scars or extensive scarsCHF 400
Acne scars, such as cheeksCHF 550
Quality of skin 
Full FaceCHF 1'100
Eye area (lower eyelids)CHF 600
Cleavage + neckCHF 1'300
NeckCHF 650
Mouth regionCHF 450
Body areas up to two palmsCHF 850
Additional PRPCHF 300

Skin renewal with Erbium Glass Laser (Bern, St. Gallen)

Quality of skin 
Full FaceCHF 650
Eye areaCHF 350
Cleavage + neckCHF 7500
NeckCHF 450
Mouth regionCHF 250
Additional PRPCHF 300
Single ScarsCHF 200
Multiple scars or extensive scarsCHF 400
Acne scars, such as cheeksCHF 550

MiraDry® (Zurich, Bern, St. Gallen)

1st. treatmentCHF 1'950
2nd. treatmentCHF 1'500

EMSCULPT® NEO for body lifting (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

4 sessions belly or bottomCHF 1'600
4 sessions arms or legs per zoneCHF 1'600
8 sessions belly or bottomCHF 2'800
8 sessions arms or legs per zoneCHF 2'800

EMFACE® (Zurich)

1 sessionCHF 600
4 sessionsCHF 2'000
8 sessionsCHF 3'200

Micro Needling Secret® RF for skin rejuvination and scars (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

FaceCHF 500
3 pack faceCHF 1'250
Annual subscription12 treatm. for CHF 4'500
½ FaceCHF 350
NeckCHF 300
3 pack neckCHF 800
CleavageCHF 300
3 pack cleavageCHF 800

MonaLisa Touch® for vaginal rejuvenation in case of vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse and for lifting the labia (Zurich)

Single treatment vaginal tighteningCHF 400
3 packCHF 1'000
Labia single treatmentCHF 300
3 packCHF 750
Brightening the intimate area with Dermamelan IntimateCHF 800

Mesotheraphy for skin rejuvenation (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

FaceCHF 300
EyelidsCHF 200
Neck / CleavageCHF 250
Against Hair LossCHF 400
Face, Neck & CleavageCHF 500

Hydrafacial® (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

DEEP CLEANSING: Deep cleansing including light therapy 
FaceCHF 250
Face including neck or décolletéCHF 340
Face, neck and décolletéCHF 400
Additional active ingredient booster (JLO Booster, Circadia Chrono-Peptide Booster,
DermaBuilder, Britenol Spot Corrector)
CHF 70
DELUX: Deep cleansing including lymph drainage and active ingredient booster for
improved skin elasticity and smooth skin structure
FaceCHF 340
Face including neck or décolletéCHF 430
Face, neck and décolletéCHF 490
Half-year subscription6 treatm. for the price of 5
Annual subscription12 treatm. for the price of 10

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Zurich)

1 treatment (depending on the treatment protocol)from CHF 170
10 treatments (depending on the treatment protocol)from CHF 1'500

LaseMD™ for skin regeneration (Zurich)

Face with vitamin ACHF 480
Face and neckCHF 780
Face, neck and décolletéCHF  1'000
Face with vitamin CCHF 480
Face and neckCHF 780
Face, neck and décolletéCHF 1'000
Face with TranexamicCHF 480
Face and neckCHF  780
Face, neck and décolletéCHF 1'000
Face with ResveratrolCHF 600
Face and neckCHF 900
Face, neck and décolletéCHF 1'150
When booking 5 treatments we only charge 4 

Botulinum Toxin for wrinkle treatment (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

Frown wrinklesCHF 400
Forehead & frown wrinklesCHF 600
Crow's feetCHF 400
Forehead, frown wrinkles & crow's feetCHF 800
Further treatments with Botulinum Toxin 
Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)CHF 600
BruxismCHF 500
Treatments of 
BrowliftCHF 400
ChinCHF 200
Upper lipCHF 100
NeckCHF 500
CleavageCHF 400
Trapezius muscleCHF 800

Botulinumtoxin for Hyperhidrosis (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

BotulinumtoxinCHF 600
Sweat gland suctionCHF 5'000

Hyaluronic acid for wrinkle treatment (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

NasolabialCHF 500
LipsCHF 600
Mouth wrinklesCHF 500
Chin contouringCHF 800
Tired eyesCHF 500
TemplesCHF 800
CheeksCHF 800
Jawline Contouringfrom CHF 800
Russian LipsCHF 600
Sculptra (1 bottle increasing volume, treating acne scars)CHF 800
Hand rejuvenation with Radiesse both handsCHF 800
HArmonyCaCHF 800
Profhilo per sessionCHF 500
Profhilo® StructuraCHF 700
Combination prices for folding 
Botulinum toxin for forehead, frown wrinkle, eyes sideways in combination 
with filler (Nasolabial or lip augmentation)CHF 1'200
Cocktail (botulinum toxin, filler, PRP)CHF 1'800
Softlift with botulinum toxin and fillerfrom CHF 2'000

LANLUMA (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

LANLUMA Facefrom CHF 700
LANLUMA Bodyfrom CHF 1'200

Spider veins removal via foam sclerotherapy (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

(3-4 sessions October to April recommended)

Both legs (completly)CHF 500
Follow-upCHF 200

PRP (BLOOD PLASMA) for skin regeneration and refreshment 
HAIRSHOT for the treatment of hair loss (Zurich, Zug, Bern, St. Gallen)

PRP 1 sessionCHF 500
3 packCHF 1'200
10 pack CHF 4'000

Hair Growth Concept

4 x PRP with Biotin-Shot, 2 packs HS capsules, 1 x Tricocure with 4 bottlesCHF 2'900

Thread lift (Zurich)

Thread Lift (6 threads)CHF 2'500

Shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction (Zurich)

4 sessionsCHF 1'900
8 sessionsCHF 3'400

For men (Zurich)

Treatment of erectile dysfunction (HBOT, shockwave therapy, G-Shot)CHF 5'900
Hair removal intimate partiallyCHF 200
Hair removal intimate completelyCHF 300
Hair removal intimate completely with buttocksCHF 450

Biohacking (Zurich)

ConsultationCHF 350

Early Cancer Detection with Trucheck™ (Zurich)

Trucheck™ Intelli (70+ tumours)CHF 1'500
Trucheck™ FemmeSafe (breast, ovarian, endometrium, cervix)CHF 1'350

Surgeries (Zurich and St. Gallen)

Eyelid Correction (Blepharoplasty)

Upper EyelidsCHF 3'500
Lower EyelidsCHF 4'500
CombinationCHF 6'900


Faceliftfrom CHF 12'000

Bullhorn Lip-Lift

Bullhorn Lip-LiftCHF 3'000

Breast Surgeries

Breast enlargement mybreastCHF 6'900
Breast augmentation with implant & autologous fatCHF 9'900
Breast liftfrom CHF 8'900
Breast reductionfrom CHF 11'900
Removal of breast implantsfrom CHF 4'900
Breast Implant Illness mit KapsulektomieCHF 9'900
Implant changefrom CHF 5'900


ArmsCHF 3'000
ChinCHF 3'000
SaddlebagsCHF 6'000
Tummy/SideCHF 6'000

Renuvion Skin Forming

ArmsCHF 2'900
NeckCHF 2'900
ThighCHF 2'900
BellyCHF 3'900

Skin Forming Body

Upper Arm LiftCHF 6'900
Upper Thigh LiftCHF 9'900
Abdominoplastyfrom CHF 9'900
Mini Tummy TuckCHF 5'900

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover with tummy tuck & breast augmentationCHF 15'900

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift with autologous fatfrom CHF 9'000
Brazilian Butt Lift with implantfrom CHF 11'000

Intimate Surgery

LabiaplastyCHF 3'900
Correction of the monsCHF 2'500
Hymen Reconstruction SurgeryCHF 2'000


Gynecomastia surgeryCHF 4'900


Consultation on operations / general treatments by the doctorCHF 200*
Product advice cosmetic products / careCHF 100**

* will be deducted from the operation costs in the event of an operation.

** will be deducted from any product purchase.


Utoquai 31
8008 Zürich
How to get there

Aabachstrasse 8
6300 Zug
How to get there

Kornhausplatz 7
3011 Bern
How to get there

Kornhausstrasse 25
9000 St. Gallen
How to get there


MO - FR    8 AM - 6 PM


MO - FR    8 AM - 5 PM